processed A1 milk
- - Enzymes Destroyed
- - No Probiotics
- - Vitamins & Minerals-Reduced and Denatured
- - Fortified Chemicals
- - Increases Lactose Intolerance
Raw Milk is the best milk one can get - the way nature intended us to consume. It is loaded with essential enzymes such as phosphatase to absorb Calcium, Lipase to digest fats, galactase to digest lactose and various other such enzymes which help in the easy digestion and absorption of all the essential nutrients available in the milk. Raw milk contains good bacteria like Lactobacilli, L.Lacti and bifid bacteria essential to maintain a healthy gut and boost immunity. It has all the proteins, vitamins and minerals 100% intact making it the best source of nutrition for our daily needs.
Raw & natural A2 milk
- - Active Enzymes-help in Nutrient Absorption
- - Probiotics - Maintains Healthy Gut
- - Vitamins & Minerals - 100% Intact
- - No Fortification Only Natural Vitamins
- - Cures Lactose Intolerance
Processed milk available in the nearby store is sourced from various places and undergoes large scale processing thereby destroying all the natural enzymes and good bacteria. Up to 70% Vitamins and minerals are destroyed during the entire process making it a dead white liquid and this is precisely why this milk needs to be fortified with synthetic vitamins making it even more harmful for consumption. It has been termed as dead white liquid.